‘Financing life-course immunisation in a post-pandemic era: Has COVID-19 moved the needle?’ whitepaper
As countries in ASEAN transition to middle- and high-income, the accompanying shifts in public and private health expenditure present an opportunity to reconsider how such investments can be prioritised so that we can make life-course immunisation a reality. With purposeful and committed action, we can all make progress in supporting life-course immunisation across ASEAN.The EU-ASEAN Business Council with the support of Sanofi have developed a whitepaper on the topic of ’Financing life-course immunisation in a post-pandemic era: Has COVID-19 moved the needle?’. The whitepaper unveiled the ‘4Ps Framework’, a proposed model for achieving sustainable LCI financing across Payment, Performance, Process and Programmes.
Download the whitepaper below or listen to what industry experts have to say on achieving success under each pillar.
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